

What are the opening hours of Reef Mall?

Reef Mall is open from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM on weekdays and from 10:00 AM to 11:00 PM on weekends (Friday and Saturday). See you soon.

Can you list some of the stores available at Reef Mall?
Are there any ongoing offers or promotions at Reef Mall?
How can I get to Reef Mall using public transportation?
What dining options are available at Reef Mall?
Is there parking available at Reef Mall? If so, what are the parking rates?
Can I get a wheelchair from your side during my visit to Reef Mall?
Do you have services like Amer and Tasheel available at your mall?
Do you have any medical centres available at your mall?
Can I buy a SIM Card or a mobile plan in Reef Mall?
Do you have money exchange facility available at your mall?
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